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If you are considering orthodontic treatment to correct your smile, you may have asked yourself, “Invisalign vs braces, which is better?” Unfortunately, the answer to that question depends on several factors, including the complexity of your case, your lifestyle and even your budget.

Braces vs Invisalign®: What is the process?

  • Braces

Braces consist of metal wires and brackets that are cemented to your teeth and are the traditional method for tooth re-alignment. They are the most affordable orthodontic solution and are typically recommended for complex dental issues because they apply constant pressure throughout your treatment.

Modern metal brackets are smaller than in the past and are cemented to the front surface of your teeth using a dental adhesive. The brackets hold the wires in place. The wires slide into the brackets and are the mechanism that gently shifts your teeth into the correct position over 18-24 months.

Braces are non-removable, so they are working even when you eat and sleep. You typically experience some discomfort when you are first fitted, and each time your wire is adjusted, but it subsides quickly and can be treated with an over the counter painkiller if necessary.

  • Invisalign®

Invisalign uses a series of customised, removable invisible plastic aligners which target specific teeth and gradually move them into place over time. The treatment duration depends on the severity of your case, and if you are wearing your aligners for 20-22 hours a day as required, but on average, the treatment takes 12-18 months.

Invisalign is most effective for minor to moderate misalignment issues. The aligners are switched out for the next in the series every two weeks.

Both methods require regular dental appointments every four to six weeks to monitor your progress. If you are wearing traditional braces, you will have your wires adjusted so you can expect to experience some discomfort for about 48 hours. You will also experience this discomfort each time you switch to a new aligner. This is a sign that your treatment is working, and your teeth are shifting.

At the conclusion of your treatment, whether you choose braces or Invisalign you will be given a retainer to wear to prevent your teeth from relapsing to their former position.

Invisalign vs braces for adults 

When comparing braces vs Invisalign, appearance is a huge factor and Invisalign offers a discreet alternative for correcting your smile. First impressions are important and the Invisalign aligners are completely transparent and practically invisible so you won’t be self-conscious in social or professional settings.

Another popular factor in the braces vs Invisalign discussion is the freedom from dietary restrictions.

Since invisalign vs braces which is better invisalign vs braces burwoodInvisalign aligners can be removed, you can continue to enjoy your favorite foods. But it is important to brush your teeth before putting the aligners back in so they stay clean and stain-free.

The aligners can also be removed when you brush and floss your teeth.

The Invisalign aligners are biocompatible and nontoxic, making them an ideal solution for patients with metal allergies.

Invisalign vs braces for teens 

Invisalign is also a popular solution for teens, but there are few additional factors to consider.

Your teen may become discouraged in the beginning because they may notice increased saliva production or speak with a lisp until their mouth adjusts to having something new in its environment. This can cause them not to wear their aligners enough. You need to trust that your teen will wear their aligners for 20-22 hours each day for the best results.

On the other hand, the ability to remove the aligners may be great for teens who already struggle with their dental health routine. Traditional braces can be tricky to clean and time-consuming to floss around. If they don’t follow an effective at-home oral regimen when wearing braces, they could be left with white spots on their teeth once the brackets are removed because minerals have been stripped away from the enamel.

Final word

Talk to your child’s dentist and ask for their opinion regarding the decision between braces vs Invisalign. They will know the probability of success with each method based upon your child’s current health and habits.

Our practice is listed as an Invisalign provider on the Invisalign website so whether you are looking into braces vs Invisalign for yourself or your child, Good Choice Dental can help straighten your smile. Contact us on (02) 8203 8760 to arrange your orthodontic consultation and finally decide between braces vs Invisalign with the help of a dental professional.

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