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If you’re interested in reading about the differences between clear aligners vs braces because you want to invest in your dental health, you have come to the right place. Fortunately today’s patients have a number of teeth straightening options for orthodontic treatment, and you can enjoy both comfort and discretion at the same time as straightening your teeth.


Clear Aligners Vs Braces: The Pros

On the whole aligners do not interfere with your lifestyle to the same extent that metal braces might. While you do have to practice good dental hygiene and ensure you follow your dentist’s care instructions for keeping them clean, when you wear clear aligners you have more freedom than compared to traditional orthodontics, but can still enjoy the benefits of teeth straightening.


The Aesthetic Appeal Of Clear Aligners

Many patients delay or avoid orthodontic treatment for the simple reason that they don’t want to be seen in traditional orthodontic braces. And that’s hardly surprising: because for many years metal braces were the go-to treatment for most people who needed teeth straightening. Many patients are also told they need orthodontics during their adolescence, which is a time in life where we feel self-conscious and the way we look has a major influence on the decisions we make and the way we feel about ourselves.

While clear aligners are not invisible, they certainly are the most discreet way to straighten crooked teeth and bite issues. For the most part, the people around you won’t be able to tell that you are wearing aligners but you can still have the benefit of straighter teeth.

Clear Aligners Can Be Removed

Just because they can be removed, doesn’t mean that they should be removed too often. Clear aligners must be removed before eating and drinking because the translucent plastic that they are made from can be stained easily, and can also become misshapen if it comes into contact with very hot liquid. 

In order for them to work effectively and help you achieve your orthodontic treatment goals, your aligners must be worn for an average of 22 hours per day, which means that you really can only take them out for eating, drinking and dental hygiene.

clear aligners

Aligners Are So Much More Comfortable To Wear

Metal braces are notoriously uncomfortable because of the degree of force they exert during teeth straightening. The brackets and wires are also uncomfortable and can cause irritation and abrasion in your mouth. Patients who play contact sports, or people who experience blows to the mouth, might find it painful when wearing braces.

Even though aligners need to exert a certain degree of force on your teeth in order to shift them into a straighter position, they are much more comfortable to wear.


Aligners Do Not Require Regular Adjustment

When it comes to time investment for clear aligners vs braces, aligners definitely come out on top. Anyone who has worn traditional metal braces will tell you how much free time they lose to visits to their dentist. This is because the braces must be adjusted as your teeth move, in order to maintain the correct amount of tension. With aligners, you are given different sets to wear when your teeth move into certain positions, so rather than having them adjusted when your teeth move, you simply swap your old aligners for a new set.

This puts patients in control of their orthodontic treatment and gives you so much more free time every month, which can be spent living your life the way you want to.


Aligners Place Fewer Restrictions On What You Can And Can’t Eat

You have fewer dietary restrictions, in light of the fact that aligners must be removed before eating and drinking. When you wear metal braces your dentist will advise you against eating sticky, hard foods that get stuck in your braces. Clear aligners must be taken out prior to eating and drinking, and you need to clean the aligners and your teeth before you can put them back in, meaning you don’t have the same type of dietary limitations in place.

Are you still wondering whether clear aligners vs braces is best for you? If you are a mature patient who can follow your dentist’s care instructions and would like to take control over your orthodontics, aligners could be the straightening solution for your teeth and bite.

Please contact us for a discreet and convenient appointment: (02) 8203 8760.

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