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Getting dental implants provides you with a permanent tooth replacement solution. When you visit a dentist that offers consultation, he or she will first examine you before presenting you with a treatment plan. The treatment plan will explain the steps that need to be followed and give you a timeline for the duration of your treatment. Your dentist will also explain the types of dental implants available, as well as the benefits of each. In this post, we are going to take a look at the three types of tooth implants and when each type might be used.


What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are small posts or screws that are surgically embedded into your jaw bone to replace missing tooth roots. They are usually made out of titanium, which is well tolerated by your body.



What Types Of Dental Implants Are Used?

There are three main types of tooth implants:


Endosteal implants

Endosteal implants are the most commonly used type of dental implant. They are usually suitable for most patients, but you do need to have a strong jaw that is thick enough to support them.


Subperiosteal implants

If you do not have a strong or thick enough jawbone for endosteal implants and you do not want to have bone graft surgery, your dentist may recommend subperiosteal implants. This type of dental implant is placed below your gum but sits above the jaw. The subperiosteal dental implant and connecting post are both inserted below your gum, which heals around it. 


Zygomatic implants

Zygomatic implants are the least common type of dental implant. They are placed when a patient doesn’t have enough healthy jaw for an endosteal implant. During this dental implant procedure, the implant is placed in the cheekbone rather than in the jaw.


Other Types Of Dental Implants

Dental implants can also be used to replace several teeth, sometimes using only one dental implant to replace multiple teeth:


Implant-supported dental bridges

If you have a few missing teeth next to another, it could be possible to replace them with an implant-supported bridge. A dental bridge is usually made up of two dental crowns on either side of the missing teeth, which is replaced by an artificial tooth. With an implant-supported bridge, you will have dental crowns that are connected to dental implants.

The biggest benefit to this approach is that you can replace more than one tooth without the cost of individual dental implants. However, because not all of your missing teeth will be supported by dental implants, you can still experience bone loss.


Implant-retained dentures

If you are missing all or most of the teeth in your arch, an implant-retained denture could be a viable tooth replacement option for you. Traditionally, dentures are a row of artificial teeth that sit above your gum line. However, many denture wearers find them uncomfortable because they can move around when you speak and eat.

tooth replacement implants burwoodWith an implant-retained denture, four tooth implants can be placed along the arch. A denture of artificial teeth can be fixed onto them, making them more comfortable and secure to wear.

Sometimes mini tooth implants can be used to hold a denture in place. This is a less invasive procedure than having a regular dental implant. Mini tooth implants also require less jaw bone, which could benefit you if you have been wearing dentures for a while and have experienced bone loss.


Are Implants Right For You?

In order to be considered a candidate for tooth implants, you need to meet certain criteria. Your dental practitioner will consider factors such as


The health of your jawbone

A dental implant needs a certain amount of healthy jaw to anchor into. If you do not have a strong or thick jaw bone, bone graft surgery could be an option, or you might consider subperiosteal or zygomatic implants.


Your age and state of health

In order to be considered for a dental implant, your jaw and facial bones must have stopped growing. For girls, this is usually around the age of 16, and for boys, it’s around the age of 18. Furthermore, you should be healthy enough for the surgical procedure. You should not have any unmanaged health conditions, and you should be a non-smoker. If you get a consultation at your local dental clinic, your dentist will be able to assess your suitability. 

Remember not to touch your implant site and to use hand sanitiser regularly to avoid transferring germs to the site of your implant.


To find out more about the types of dental implants available, you need to book a dental consultation near you. Please contact us for a convenient appointment: (02) 8203 8760.






Types of Dental Implants

What Are Dental Implants?






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